Jewels Of East India With Sangai Festival Tour

IDMS Tours invites you to be part of a traveling tradition that dates back 5000 years. Follow in the footsteps of these historic wayfarers for a kaleidoscopic look at the timeless cultural fabric that binds these fascinating people together. Discover the enchanting cities. Gaze in wonder at manmade and natural beauties beyond compare. Revel in the magic and mystery of ancient cultures, virtually untouched since the dawn of modern time. Feel the palpable spirituality, which permeates the glorious spectacle that is life on this magnificent sub-continent. Experience a spectacular travel adventure and the regal splendors once reserved only for royalty on the magnificent journey through the heart of North India.


Manipur, one of the seven sisters of the North East, is located in the slopes of the Sub-Himalayan Ranges in the North East of India at latitude 23.80


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